Gendernomics- Building Value Page 10
The SWOT analysis gets a lot of negative press these days as outdate, and to some extent it’s a victim to its own success. The identification of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats can often be viewed as overly simplistic in the modern corporate sphere. However, I find it a very useful technique because of that simplicity, when conducting a SWOT analysis the goal is not to get mired into the details or lost in complexity, it is to identify the important factors within 4 areas of your business.
The former two, strengths and weaknesses are things that are under your control, whereas the latter two, opportunities and threats are things created by your external environment.
These are the things you are currently doing well and are good at doing. These are also things that can be leveraged in order to reach your goals.
These are your risk factors, they are areas in which your performance is not up to par, and thus represents an important thing that you should be doing better.
Your opportunities are those areas where you could easily leverage your strengths and where your weaknesses would be unlikely to be critical issues. They are opportunities to expand your business, or in this case your influence to a wider areas.
These are the things outside of your control that could lead to negative outcomes for your business, or in this case your strategy. If you are running game, and the army decides to localized a military base right outside the city you live in with 5000 young, athletic special-ops units, this presents a threat to your ability to successfully run game.
PESTLE Analysis
The PESTLE analysis, short for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental analysis is a tool often utilized in risk management when attempting to identify the important factors that may affect a company’s ability to realize its strategy.
The applicability of the analysis and which areas are emphasized depends greatly on which area of commerce one is involved.
The political environment has recently become very relevant for men running game, and especially those men who engage in frequent day-game pick-ups or drunken pick-ups giving to consent legislation and what I term “Cat Calling” legislation.
This illustrates that the intrusion of politics into the private sphere is marching ahead for the time being, and a man should be acutely aware of such legislation depending on his activities.
What one is attempting to identify here are the political risk factors that may influence your strategy.
The economic factors that affect a strategy are quite varied and diverse. Perhaps the most prevalent discussion on this very topic is the discussion of employment versus self-employed, where the latter gives you more freedom to manage your own time, while the former offers more stability.
Factors that apply here would be disposable income, do you have the necessary financial resources available to you to realize the strategy you have laid out, and is that strategy economically sustainable going forward.
The social factors that affect your strategy are highly varied based on physical location. For instance, in some cultures same-night lays do not happen, so basing a strategy and KPIs on that would be setting oneself up for failure. Likewise, there is a relationship between self-improvement and social effects, in that most of the people whom you have existing relationship with, may fight against your plan to change.
They may support you to a point, then start working against you, or discourage further progression, it is important to have strategies in place for dealing with this in order to reach the desired result.
Technological factors can be as simple as using an app to track your progress or to assist in your self-improvement, to modern medical treatments such as hormone optimization therapy. It is important to determine which technological elements can assist you in your journey, but also which can be negative.
Social media for instance makes it possible to connect with people who can assist you in your journey, but may also be weaponized against you.
Legal factors were in part outlined under Political factors as related to legislation, but may also be things such as being banned from a country, unable to leave your present county or being embroiled in present legal disputes.
The legal limitations and opportunities are important in that unlike social and technological element, legal aspects can put hard-limits on your success. It’s very hard to self-improve and pick up girls in prison.
Finally, the environmental concerns, in regards to the specific area this book is concerned with, the environmental limitations and opportunities are based around your physical location and the potential limitations and fulcrum-points you can leverage in your present location.
A typical environmental issue could be that living in Miami offers a very active, and high quality sexual market place, but it is also extremely competitive.
Core Competencies
The core competencies are a method for determining the unique collection of skills, abilities, competencies, and synergy between them. In essence, they often come down to “What are we good at?” and “How can we leverage that for maximum results”.
All men are born with some talents, some interests and some abilities, and over time the refinement and mastery of such thing are what creates a man’s competitive advantage. What is referred to when talking about competitive advantages are those unique moments where a person’s skillset, abilities, and interest intersect with an opportune time and place.
For instance, being meticulous, detail-oriented, emotionally labile and introverted is a great make-up for an accountant or person doing research. This is important because it is very easy to view the sexual market place as a giant melting pot composed of a single mass, however in reality there are many sub-markets within it that can be exploited for quick wins and rapid growth.
GAP Analysis
The most fundamental function of a GAP analysis is to determine present position and desired future position, so that one can formulate strategies to get from present state to future state. It is also very valuable to define both these states, and figuring out the motivation and desired outcome for the change from one state to the other.
If you are aware of what the negatives and positives of your present state is, and what your desired goal-state are, it becomes much easier to engage in goal-oriented, planned and informed effort, which is much faster and simpler than throwing s*it at the wall and going with what sticks.
Process Mapping
The idea behind process mapping is that when one has a process broken down into sub-processes one can analyze each step, in addition to the inputs and outputs of each step. For instance, if we take a process of gaining muscle, we can define this at a macro level as:
If you do this process 100 times, but your measured results do not change, then something is wrong with the process and one has to go back and troubleshoot why the inputs do not match desired output. If you are training, and recovering you would expect that you are gaining muscle, if you find yourself not doing that, then you have to identify and fix why you are not getting your expected results.
Perhaps a more on-point example would be the old pick-up technique of doing 100 approaches. Now, some men get better from doing 100 cold approaches, other men learn two things:
A) That approaching won’t kill them
B) How to approach
I would posit that it would be much better to break this down into 10 batches of 10 approaches, with a day to reflect and review what went wrong and what you did better than the preceding day.
Value Chain Analysis
This technique takes a high-level view at the core operations and tries to identify risks, bottle necks, potential problems and make the core of what you do more effective. It’s a us
eful task to do every once in a while if for no other reason than to identify how your activities align with your goals.
What it does for you is to determine if you are putting the focus and effort into your goals that you should be, or if you are wasting a lot of time and energy on things not conducive to your goals.
Critical Path Mapping
The Critical Path Map is a technique from project management that aims to determine how activities need to be aligned in order to be delivered in the most optimal manner in terms of time. A good critical path map allows you to schedule different efforts at different times in order to ensure that you can maximize the outcomes.
For instance, it makes no sense to buy a whole new wardrobe and redo your style in December if your plan is to cut hard for 4 months in January. It makes no sense to plan for 18 dates in March, if you’re still going to be working your ass off in the middle of nowhere on an oil rig at that same time.
PORTER 5 Forces Analysis
The 5 Forces analysis is a classic for market analysis and what it helps with is analyzing the external environment in order to gauge a chance of success. The 5 Forces outlined by Michael E. Porter are:
Threat of New Entrants
Bargaining Power of Buyers
Bargaining Power of Suppliers
Competitive Rivalry
Threat of Substitution
The threat of new entrants says something about how easy it is for new companies to compete with you. It’s beneficial for this to be low, as this means that you will be able to hold on to your margins better and face less competition.
The bargaining power of buyers represents how many options the buyers have in the market for a comparable product to yours, and thus how much pressure they can put on your margins.
The bargaining power of suppliers indicates how much pressure and influence they can hold over your business. It is never ideal to be beholden to a single supplier for something that is critical.
Threat of substitution is how easy it is for your customers to switch to a competitor or an alternate way of satisfying a given need.
Finally, competitive rivalry represents how fierce the competition is within your chosen market.
The original Gendernomics features a 5 forces analysis of the sexual market place, so for Gendernomics 2 I found it very appropriate to demonstrate how this tool can be utilized on an individual level.
The threat of substitution is illustrated by the concept of “Branch swinging” within Red Pill theory, a branch swing is a woman moving from one man to a higher value man.
The bargaining power of buyers is related to the threat of substitution and is dependent on the man’s overall sexual market value and general value relative to his competition.
The competitive rivalry is a function of two primary variables, namely the man’s value and the number of men in his general area, this is the case of “big fish, small pond” vs. “small fish, big pond”
The threat of new entrants is dependent on the man’s value, the more extreme of an outlier a man is within the sexual market place, the lower or higher the threat of substation becomes. A man who is an outlier on the lower end of the end experiences very high threat of substitution, as a result of every man entering the sexual market place having a high probability of being real competition. A man on the higher end of the mean experiences a much lower threat as a result of the average and below not really being competition.
The bargaining power of suppliers is not overly relevant, but it could be utilized to illustrate the dependency of an individual man on a given chain of inputs in order to realize his sexual market value. For instance, a member of a celebrity’s posse, who gains much sexual opportunity due to value-by-proxy.
Black Label Logic adapted Boston Growth Share Matrix
The Boston Consulting Group Growth-Share matrix is a tool that categorizes companies based on two factors, market share and growth. A company with little growth and low market share is a “Dog”, a poor investment, because it does not have enough of a market share to have dominant in the market, but is also not growing and thus the probability of it attaining a powerful market share is low.
The simple application of this matrix in the Black Label Logic variation is the trade off between variety and stability. They translate into how established a man is in his sexual market place (his market share) and how much he seeks to keep growing his harem (his growth).
A young man just breaking into the market has a low market share, as illustrated by few plates, little experience and having to put in more work to get the sales. However, he should be able to reach above average growth, because he is young, has a ton of energy and has a larger ability to put in work to gain that share.
Plate spinning is hard work, as is landing new plates, if you are splitting your time between the two, you do not get optimal results in either.
Core Competencies
The Core competencies are perhaps the most important thing you will ever identify about yourself in your game journey. This is the unique combination of skills, traits, abilities and talents that you bring to the table and that you can leverage to gain competitive advantage.
There is more than one way to skin a cat, and while there are generic things every man has to do in order to pass a woman’s “You have to be this tall for me to ride you” SMV judgment, there are levels of success that can only be attained by leveraging your strengths. These can be artistic, intellectual, in humor, in the physical world or many other things, but handling only the basics, only gets you the basics. You have to at some point take game and red pill theory as abstract, generic concepts and tailor them to your innate talents and competencies in order to maximize your success.
Final Words and Acknowledgements
First of all, thank you for reading. I hope this book brings you tangible value and helps you create the life you want. When this book becomes available, it will be right around the three year anniversary of and only a few months short of the 2 year anniversary for Gendernomics.
I’m very proud to be a part of this corner on the internet where men are swapping notes, all to help their brothers build better and more satisfying lives. This book is written as a workbook to go along with the original Gendernomics and I hope it helps you create the life you desire, whatever that might be.
I would like to thank my buddy Rian “The Shirt” Stone for providing the cover for Gendernomics 2: Building Value, for re-designing the cover for the original Gendernomics and for being my day-drinkin’ buddy on Red Mornings. I would also like to thank all of the contributors on the Red Man Group. A special thanks goes out to Illimitable man and Ed Latimore for helping me out since I started writing on my blog and being my good friends throughout the past 4 years. Finally, last but not least all of the people who read my content, have bought this book, the first Gendernomics and who add their comments, questions and hot bants on every episode of the shows I’m on and on Twitter.
Carl Out.